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An excellent cycling area

Vast woodlands, romantic valleys, and aromatic juniper moors - the Amberg-Sulzbacher region offers distinctive routes for your cycling vacation.

The region between Regensburg and Nürnberg is an excellent cycling area, known for its natural diversity and the fascinating mix of caves, cliff-covered landscapes, and Jura streams.
The bike tours are as varied as the landscape. Follow the river cycling paths of the Vils valley, the Pegnitz valley, and the Lauterach valley for guaranteed relaxed cycling on flat terrain.

The most famous biking trail is the Fünf-Flüsse-Radweg, the Five River Biking Trail. This 305 km long loop is one of the most beautiful river trails in Germany. The Lauterach valley trail cuts right through the middle of the Bavarian Tuscany. And the Vils valley bike path follows an old railway line.

The Schweppermann bike trail, or the Grotten bike trail are a little more demanding. These picturesque trails lead through the varied Jura landscape. Geological bike tours connect the most interesting geotopes in the Amberg-Sulzbacher region. They will guide you through the region's geological history. And even difficult tours are not a problem with an electric bike!